W3 Professorship „Society, Culture, and Communication in Ibero-America“ at the University of Heidelberg – Application deadline 31st January 2021

The interdisciplinary Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) at Heidelberg University is accepting applications for a Full Professorship (W3) “Society, Culture, and Communication in Ibero-America” to be appointed as soon as possible.

This professorship represents a field of research that focuses on the analysis and interpretation of Ibero-American societies and their cultural and communicational dynamics. The future position holder is therefore expected to conduct research on society, culture, and communication with a regional specialization on Ibero-America while focusing on the cultural influences between Ibero-America and Europe. The professorship is based at the interdisciplinary Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS).

The future position holder will be a member of the Faculty of Modern Languages and a coopted member of the Faculty of Philosophy. He or she will be held to the regulations for academic selfadministration, teaching, and examination. Candidates should have an outstanding international research profile in the field of cultural dynamics of societies and their transformations, as well as in the field of societal communication. The candidates’ research should be connected to and supplement the work of established groups at the HCIAS.

He or she will establish a line of research at the HCIAS and the university’s regional academic platform, the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago de Chile.

He or she should have demonstrable experience in establishing disciplinary and interdisciplinary research projects and is expected to implement novel collaborative projects at both locations of the university’s regional focus.

He or she should also have experience in knowledge transfer with extra-university partners. It is expected that the successful candidate participates in undergraduate and postgraduate IberoAmerican study programs, as well as plays a leading role in joint grant applications at the HCIAS.

He or she should have outstanding publication and research records in cultural studies and experience teaching in English. Profound knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese is expected.

The functions of the position may be carried out on site in Santiago de Chile. The prerequisites include a completed university degree, a doctorate, and, pursuant to § 47 (2) of the Baden-Wuerttemberg State Higher Education Act, a “habilitation”, a successfully evaluated junior professorship or a comparable qualification. Heidelberg University is an equal opportunity employer, seeking to increase the number of women in research and teaching. Thus, qualified female academics are especially invited to apply. Qualified disabled persons according to SGB IX (German Social Security Code, book 9) are also encouraged to apply. Applications will consist of (1) a cover letter, (2) a CV including lists of all scientific publications and third-party funds acquired in competitive proceedings, (3) certificates and diplomas, and (4) a short research and teaching concept. Please send your application package electronically (as one PDF document) to the dean of the Faculty of Modern Languages: Neuphilologische Fakultät, Vossstr. 2, Geb. 37, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany, neuphil-fak@uni-hd.de.

The deadline for applications is 31 January 2021. Information regarding the collection of personal data under Art. 13 DS-GVO can be found on our homepage: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/datenschutz_personal

Please see the website for further information

Über Alexandra Stang

Doktorandin im Bereich Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation (IWK) und Lehrbeauftragte für Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik/Auslandsschulwesen und Planungs- /Organisationskompetenz im MA Studiengang "Auslandsgermanistik/Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache" und Lehramtsergänzungsfach am Institut für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und Interkulturelle Studien an der Universität Jena sowie Lehrbeauftragte im Modul "Cultural Studies / Introduction to Cultural Theory" an der Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe
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