13.-15.05.2019: Int. conference „Going Global“ jointly organized by the British Council and DAAD in Berlin – Deadline for Registration 3rd May

„Going Global“ is a conference for leaders in international education to debate the future of further and higher education and takes place from 13th-15th Mai in Berlin. It is jointly organized by the British Council and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Registration closes on Friday 3rd May 2019.

* The conference provides a unique platform for knowledge sharing.
* Connecting local, national, regional and global agendas.
* Providing a global network for policy makers and practitioners working in the field of international education.
* Supporting evidence led policy decisions deriving from research and regional policy dialogues.
* Supporting global thought leadership.

If you are a university or college vice-chancellor, president or principal, an adviser, minister or government representative, journalist or policy and strategy maker, or a professional and trade body working in international education, then we look forward to seeing you there.

Please see the conference website for further information

Über Alexandra Stang

Doktorandin im Bereich Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation (IWK) und Lehrbeauftragte für Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik/Auslandsschulwesen und Planungs- /Organisationskompetenz im MA Studiengang "Auslandsgermanistik/Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache" und Lehramtsergänzungsfach am Institut für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und Interkulturelle Studien an der Universität Jena sowie Lehrbeauftragte im Modul "Cultural Studies / Introduction to Cultural Theory" an der Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe
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