07.06.2019: Workshop „Doing ethnographic film in global and multilingual contexts“ at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh (Scotland) – Registration 1st May

The Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh (Scotland) is organising a workshop on „Doing ethnographic film in global and multilingual contexts“ on 7th June 2019. This cross-disciplinary one-day workshop offers a creative space in which researchers will share their experiences of, and ambitions for, film as visual method in ethnography. Presentations will consider ethnographic film as research output, as research method for data elicitation, and as research method for data analysis. The workshop will engage with the potential of film as a collaborative method, exploring partnerships between ethnographers and film-makers, and between researchers and researched. Examples of research in which visual methods in ethnography are employed will include multimodal languaging between deaf and hearing people, internationally mobile deaf people’s diverse communicative practices, translanguaging in city markets, and gesture-based communication in sport. The workshop will examine the challenges of ethnographic film-making in global contexts. It will also reflect on potential limitations of the use of film in ethnographic research.Participation:

Participation in the workshop will be limited to 20 places. Participants will be researchers experienced in the use of film in ethnography, those in the early stages of ethnographic film work, and researchers planning to engage in ethnographic film.Structure:
* Discussion will be stimulated by presentations which present examples of film in ethnography. The presentations will focus on three aspects of ethnographic film:* Film as research output
* Film for data analysis
* Film for data elicitation (eg. audience reception)

Following the presentations, a roundtable discussion session will engage with key questions.

* Adrian Blackledge (University of Stirling) Angela Creese (University of Stirling) * Erin Moriarty Harrelson (Heriot-Watt University) Andrew Irving (University of Manchester) Annelies Kusters (Heriot-Watt University)

Coffee and lunch will be provided

British Sign Language – English interpretation will be provided

Register by 1st May 2019, by emailing a.kusters@hw.ac.uk – please write a few lines about your background and/or experience with ethnographic film, and what you hope to gain from this workshop. This will help us prepare the roundtable discussion.

Vaneasa mailing list Vaneasa@lists.easaonline.org http://lists.easaonline.org/listinfo.cgi/vaneasa-easaonline.org

Please see the website for further information

Über Alexandra Stang

Doktorandin im Bereich Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation (IWK) und Lehrbeauftragte für Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik/Auslandsschulwesen und Planungs- /Organisationskompetenz im MA Studiengang "Auslandsgermanistik/Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache" und Lehramtsergänzungsfach am Institut für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und Interkulturelle Studien an der Universität Jena sowie Lehrbeauftragte im Modul "Cultural Studies / Introduction to Cultural Theory" an der Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe
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