Fellowships „Religion and Urbanity. Reciprocal transformations“ at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt – Application deadline 22nd April

The Kollegforschungsgruppe (KFG, “DFG-Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities”) „Religion and Urbanity. Reciprocal transformations“ at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies of the University of Erfurt (Max-Weber-Kolleg) invites applications for fellowships for the time period between 1st September 2019 and 28th February 2021. Fellowships are granted for a period of 3 to 6 months. Fellows must reside in Erfurt during the fellowship period.

The KFG investigates the co-constitution and co-evolution of religion and the urban. This comprises the reciprocal processes deriving from, but also impacting on objects, architecture, and texts, but also on narratives, imaginaries and aspirative imaginations.

The fellowships are awarded to scholars working in the Humanities, especially in the fields of History or of History of Religion (or in the fields of Sociology and Urban Studies with a focus on historical and religious developments). The KFG is financed by the German Research Foundation (FOR 2779) and directed by Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau and Prof. Dr. Jörg Rüpke.
Further information about the Max-Weber-Kolleg and the KFG available at:
www.uni-erfurt.de/maxwe and www.uni-erfurt.de/go/urbrel.

Fellows will be provided with office space including work facilities. Working languages are English and German. The fellowships start either on 1st April or 1 1st September/1st October (beginning of the terms). Financial arrangements take the individual situation of the awardees of the fellowships into account and are based on the principle “no loss, no gain” (e.g., covering of additional costs, compensating salary reductions or payment for preplacement teaching).

To be eligible for a fellowship, the candidate must propose a research project to be conducted during the fellowship within the framework of the KFG and have an outstanding academic record, at least one published monograph and a minimum of three years of post-doc research experience.
Fellows are required to participate actively in the interdisciplinary and intercultural life of the Centre and to contribute to the weekly colloquia of the KFG.

Please submit your application with
– a cover letter that indicates the preferred period for your stay at Erfurt
– an outline of the research project you would like to pursue addressing the KFG´s research focus (2,000-4,000 words) with a stringent discussion of your a) research questions, b) the state of research on the topic, c) the methodological approach and the leading hypotheses as well as d) a working schedule with a projected date of completion and publications of results
– a curriculum vitae
– copies of your last university degrees
– list of publications
– electronic copies of up to three of your monographs or articles relevant for the research focus

as a combined pdf-file (maximum of 15 MB, publications may be presented in separate files) until 22nd April 2019 to mwk.bewerbungen@uni-erfurt.de.

By submitting your application, you are agreeing with the conditions of using your data as stated (together with your rights of data protection) in:

Informal enquiries may be made to Dr. Asuman Lätzer-Lasar (asuman.laetzer-lasar@uni-erfurt.de).

The University of Erfurt is an equal opportunity employer and certified as family friendly. It encourages the application of female candidates. Handicapped persons will be prioritized if their suitability, ability, and specific qualification is equal.

The University of Erfurt does not refund any costs incurred in the application process.

Dr. Asuman Lätzer-Lasar
Research Associate / Junior Fellow
Center for Advanced Studies „Religion and Urbanity. Reciprocal transformations“
Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies
University of Erfurt

Visitor address:
Steinplatz 2
99085 Erfurt
PO box 900221
99105 Erfurt

Tel. 0361-737-2851
Fax 0361-737-2809
Email: asuman.laetzer-lasar@uni-erfurt.de

Über Alexandra Stang

Doktorandin im Bereich Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation (IWK) und Lehrbeauftragte für Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik/Auslandsschulwesen und Planungs- /Organisationskompetenz im MA Studiengang "Auslandsgermanistik/Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache" und Lehramtsergänzungsfach am Institut für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und Interkulturelle Studien an der Universität Jena sowie Lehrbeauftragte im Modul "Cultural Studies / Introduction to Cultural Theory" an der Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe
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