2nd call for abstracts: 30th EURO Conference in Dublin, Ireland, June23-26, 2019

Dear colleagues,

At the occasion of the 30th Conference of the European Federation of Operational Research Societies (EURO) in Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26, 2019 (see https://www.euro2019dublin.com/), we invite you to the Stream “International Aspects of OR“ in the Main Area“OR History and OR Ethics.”

This international and interdisciplinary stream addresses the dynamics, benefits and challenges of international or cross-border issues related to data science, digital transformation and digital governance. Your research can be drawn from business operations, political and public administration, social science, medical and health care or the field of media and education. Contributions from researchers of different countries and cyber/media systems are very welcome. They are invited to provide multiple perspectives and approaches in dealing with similar/different opportunities, challenges and framework conditions in terms of (digitalization) policies or governance, (digital) business models and experiences of digitalization in societal and educational systems.

Abstract submission deadline is February 8, 2019, links to the conference platform see the attached call for papers.

Looing forward to seeing you (again) in Dublin.

Kind regards

Ulrike Reisach


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Reisach

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Information Management Department

Commissioner for International Affairs

Wileystrasse 1

D-89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany

Email: ulrike.reisach@hs-neu-ulm.de


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