Link: E-Toolbox „Educational Boxes – New Perspectives on culture and their concequence for intercultural business“

Welcome to Educational Boxes! It is a project by Prof. Dr. Adelheid Iken (HAW Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Yeliz Yildirim-Krannig (HAW Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier Montiel Alafont (Karlshochschule International University) and Dr. Peter James Witchalls (University of Hamburg).

Here you will find original and innovative material, which provides new perspectives on culture while analysing and explaining their consequences for intercultural Business Relationships.

Currently there are three lesson areas:
1. Culture, a new perspective includes sessions on ‘Culture, a critical review’; ‘Multi-collectivity as a concept’; ‘Cultural reflexivity’ and ‘Synergy is not for free’
2. Communicating in diverse contexts comprises a range of material on the ‘Basics of intercultural communication’ and ‘Language and culture’
3. Social and business networks and relations focuses on ‘Families as primary social networks’; ‘Social relations-a network perspective’ and ‘Basics of a social network analysis’.

The project is evolving!

Feel free to write us if you have material that you would like to share. Or maybe you want to leave a comment or give an advice? Thank you for your participation!

Contact details:
Prof. Dr. Adelheid Iken
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg)
Berliner Tor 5
20099 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 428 75 – 6991

Please see the website for further information

Über Alexandra Stang

Doktorandin im Bereich Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation (IWK) und Lehrbeauftragte für Auswärtige Kultur- und Bildungspolitik/Auslandsschulwesen und Planungs- /Organisationskompetenz im MA Studiengang "Auslandsgermanistik/Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache" und Lehramtsergänzungsfach am Institut für Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache und Interkulturelle Studien an der Universität Jena sowie Lehrbeauftragte im Modul "Cultural Studies / Introduction to Cultural Theory" an der Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe
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