International experts will focus on the future role of the humanities at a symposium in Hannover from 10th-12th September. There is no fee attandance but registration is essential.
The Humanities contribute extensively to our cultural knowledge. What is their future role?
Since the new millennium the humanities in the Anglo-Saxon world as well as the Geistes- and Kulturwissenschaften in Europe have been exposed to manifold constraints and threats, but there also have been new opportunities. On the one hand they were quite severely affected by paradigm shifts in the value systems of policy-makers and university leaders, thus redirecting resources towards apparently more useful and profit-making units (with higher impact on the university’s overall performance). On the other hand, they were confronted with an increasing demand for providing their specific knowledge base and expertise in culturally embedded matters such as ethnic and religious conflicts or the changing modes of communication in a digitalized world. It is against this background that the international Herrenhausen Symposium, organized by the Volkswagen Foundation and the German U15 Universities, aims at thoroughly analyzing the present situation and achievements made. Experts from renowned academic institutions in Europe and abroad will exchange their views and ideas.
A particular emphasis shall be put on future developments and strategically important prospects for the respective knowledge domains in the 2020s. What is their role in an increasingly instable world? How can they protect their autonomy and pave the way for a culture of scholarly creativity? What steps should be taken?
Herrenhausen Symposium
Positioning the Humanities in the 2020s
September 10th-12th 2019
Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, Germany
Session 1: Analysis of the Present Situation
Session 2: The Humanities Facing Globalization and the Rise of New Nationalism
Session 3: Humanities in the Digital Era
Session 4: Challenges for and Advances of the Humanities
Session 5: Bridging the Gap between Cultures – Humanities and the Natural and Social Sciences
Session 6: The Humanities‘ Contribution towards the Global Issues
Anorthe Wetzel
Tel.: 0511-8381-260
Fax 0511 8381-4260
Dr. Vera Szöllösi-Brenig
Tel. 0511-8381-218
Fax 0511-8381-4218
Celina Adrion
Tel.: 0511-8381-233
Fax 0511-8381-4233